Welcome to the new Arnold Angels website. Bookmark in your browser the internet address thearnoldangels.org for future reference. The website is in its infancy and will grow over time. As you can see the main active areas will be those on the right side of the page, namely News/Information items, the Calendar and a history of recent News items and Information by month.
In addition we will be building an Archive area where all important Board documents will be saved and available to view. A Gallery of Photos from events will also be added in the future as we move forward.
Please also note that if you wish to contact the board for clarification on any topic, make a donation, make a suggestion or for any other reason , the new board email address is thearnoldangels@gmail.com.
A facebook page does exist for the Arnold Angels. This facebook page has been phased out and will not be updated. This is the same situation for the old website.. This new website is where you will find out the current and future activities being planned by your Arnold Angels
Feedback on the website is welcome. Please use the above email to register your suggestions/comments
Thank you